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the twickenham prophet

May 15, 2020

HELLO TWICKENHAM! We come to you this lovely Friday with your bi-weekly dose of news and events! We hope you remembered to toast to the full moon on 7 May, and have been having a wonderful spring thus far.

The lovely folks at Aconite and Twig have tasked us with reminding you that their wildly popular Fanged Geranium workshop is once again making a return at the end of the month, just in time for blooming season! Come enjoy some Butterbeer on the house and learn how to take care of this curious little plant both inside and outside of your home, open to magic and non-magical alike! Sign ups are available in shop or on their website, and dragon hide gloves are highly recommended and will not be provided.
As a reminder the Summer Solstice falls on Saturday, 20 June this year and it's never too early to start thinking about your celebratory plans! The town council of Twickenham promises another fantastic event in the town square this year, and rumors have been flying about a certain local music legend coming back to perform! Any ideas for the Summer Solstice celebration can be dropped off directly with Tiffany Windhollow in the Twickenham Town Hall.

Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment in Diagon Alley has just this week recieved in a shipment of rare Mokeskin pouches, very valuable for the discerning young witch or wizard as they can only be used by the owner! Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor is set to unveil 3 brand new flavours for the summer, and are inviting everyone to come in and ask for a sample of their fabulous Wiggly Watermelon!

As a final aside, our dear Twickenham librarian has begged us to publish a note requesting that whoever is vandalising the muggle books in the library to stop. A charity drive and baking fundraiser to replace the books is set for 29 May. Donations of well cared for books can be made at any time during library hours, which are from 9am to 7pm during the week, and 10am to 5pm on weekends.

That's all for now, we'll catch you in two weeks time!